Village at Western Oaks Owners Association

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Construction begins on safer routes to Gorzycki Middle School and Mills Elementary School

From City of Austin Transportation Dept email 12/21/23:

The City of Austin will begin the installation this winter of planned safety and mobility improvements to help students walk and bike to Gorzycki Middle School and Mills Elementary School.

Feedback from the community was used to shape a set of projects that include new bikeway connections and improved pedestrian crossings. Modifications to the initial proposal were made to better accommodate concerns for parking changes and to enhance connectivity with the Circle C North neighborhood. For a full report of all feedback received and updates to the proposed projects, please review the feedback summary.

Planned improvements 

The project will be delivered in phases to minimize disruptions to the area around Mills Elementary School. The first phase of work is being installed this month and will continue through Spring 2024 barring any weather or other unanticipated delays. The second phase will begin in summer 2024. 

Phase 1: December 2023-Spring 2024

  • New protected bike lanes along Davis Lane from Barstow Avenue to Escarpment Boulevard

  • New on-street parking pockets along Davis Lane to support pick up and drop off at Mills Elementary School 

  • A new protected intersection at Davis Lane and Escarpment Boulevard using flexible delineator posts 

  • An improved pedestrian crossing at Clairmont Drive 

  • A Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) at the intersection of Davis Lane and Lantana Way 

  • A new sidewalk along Ruxton Lane from Edwardson Lane to the trail connection

Phase 2: Summer 2024

  • Two-way bikeways providing connection to both schools along Allerton Avenue, Barstow Avenue, Hillside Terrace Drive and Taylorcrest Drive from Escarpment Boulevard to Beckett Road

  • Additional connectivity across Escarpment Boulevard at Hillside Terrace Drive and along Escarpment Boulevard from Hillside Terrace Drive to Taylorcrest Drive 

  • A combined shared-use path and two-way bikeway serving Mills Elementary School along the east side of Lantana Way between Davis Lane and Hillside Terrace Drive 

  • Pedestrian crossing improvements along Hillside Drive and Barstow Avenue as well as an all-way stop at Salcon Cliff Drive and Taylorcrest Drive 


Learn more about this project at For questions about the project, please email  or call 512-974-2300.